O.K. now we all know the sometimes I love me some Physicians Formula depending on the products, but! there's a but! Physicians Formula needs to bring it back down a little bit, they are in the drugstore and some of the products from their new line are soo high priced that it's up there with some of the "highend brands" (depending on the product) The base point of their new collections range from $12.99-$16.99 now I live in Ohio imagine if you lived in New York your going to be looking at a price point of almost $20.00

Well I had to get that out of the way first, let me know if any of you feel the same way I do. Now, on to the review the Nude Wear highlighters the packaging is magnetic so it will remain closed unless you open it so your product isn't going to get your makeup bag dirty while your trucking it around.
Each highlighter has 4 squares you can use one at a time for blush, highlight, and even eyeshadow, or you can swirl them all together for the glowing highlight. I love how the product is multi-functioning if your on the run you can almost create a full look, just bring some mascara, eyeliner and lipgloss and your good to go.

Overall this new Nude Glow and Nude Wear collection from Physicians Formula is a really great collection to own, but the price point really needs to go down, come on physician your in the drugstore!!!!
Are any of you dolls excited to try any of the Physicians Formula collections, have you tried any of them out ?? Let me know dolls I need the DEETS!!!
Well dolls as always thanks so much for stopping by and remember "Everyday is your runway so you better work it!"
Until Next time

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